Consultative and Development Services from Trifect

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If you do things the same as everyone else you will always be behind the curve. You must always explore the options others have not. We will help you identify potentially new avenues and refine your process into something both innovative and streamlined.

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We help you navigate the roadblocks on the path to success. Whether it is process managment, branding, project management, or almost any other type of business problem, we will help you find custom solutions. Stop trying to put out daily fires and start being a business owner.

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One of the biggest reasons businesses fail is due to finances. Most of the time, it is simply a missmanagement of funds or improper planning. This is extremely difficult to do. Let us help you plan for the best and worst case senarios and build a prospectus that will assist you in planning for your future.

Unsure Trifect Marketing Can Help You?

A great idea isn't all it takes to be successful. The landscape of today's bussiness world is more brutal than it has ever been. Getting a business off the ground for the first time almost inevitably ends in failure. Sometimes it feels the only way to succeed in this world is to lie, cheat and steal. Are you prepared to do that? Your competition is not only ready but also waiting to do just that.

We, however, agree with you. While it may be much more difficult getting to the top by honesty, it is also much more rewarding. Let us help you avoid mistakes, increase efficiency and profitability, and build lasting relationships. Let us show you have to protect your ideas and products. Let us show you how to streamline your process both cutting costs and increasing productivity. We have taken companies to increase their profit margins up to 80%.

Trifect wants to hear from you!

Meet the Management of Trifect Marketing

Beau and Drew learned at an early age the importance of hard work. Growing up seeing their father run his own businesses they learned many of the challenges and benefits presented by running a company. They also learned what most businesses today are missing: Ethics and values. They hold fast to the belief that simply because something is legal, doesn’t mean it should be done. Drew and Beau have always strived to pursue businesses that uplift and assist people. Because, at the end of the day to Drew and Beau, the most important things are people.

Drew Gunderson with his wife

Drew Gunderson

Drew's true talent resides in trailblazing and problem solving. He has learned through experience that the first step is usually the hardest. He has carved a niche for himself in finding those first steps and using it to launch an idea or business into action.

He prides himself on total honesty. In most ventures the opportunity will arise to "take what is yours". This is where Drew has proven many times over that he is not motivated simply by money but success. He will sacrifice what he wants for the greater good of the company. Over the years, Drew has developed a classical yet modern business style that many other seasoned professionals struggle to grasp. He maintains his values and ethics in loyalty and honesty while streamlining a business to profitability.

Beau Gunderson

Beau Gunderson

While Beau was earning his degree in BioMedical engineering at a top 15 program in the nation, he was also running a web development business with Drew. Beau quickly gained and an understanding of graphic design, sales, process development, and more. The greatest skill Beau possesses is the ability to adquire skills quickly. This ability allowed Beau to become proficient in photoshop literally overnight.

Another natural talent Beau conveys is his ability to communicate even complicated ideas. Beau is well spoken but more so Beau rarely misunderstands nor miscommunicates which makes him a valuable asset in negotiations and meetings.

Jesse Fox with his wife

Jesse Fox

Jesse Fox worked in the internet marketing and website development business for over a decade as a manager, a salesman, a developer and as a business owner. In 2009 he left the website development business fulltime to pursue a career as a Doctor of Chiropractic. He currently runs a successful family practice in Alberta, Canada and does marketing, recruiting, development and business management with Trifect.

Jesse prides himself in being able to help others see the big picture, his work ethic, honesty and his ability to make other's dreams a reality.